Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good Morning Beautiful Peeps!

I trust we are all into the hustle and bustle of the holiday schedule! It happens every year……. We have so much to do during Christmas that often times it is a challenge to find time to sit and relax in front of the Christmas tree. I love Christmas and I love sitting in the house at night with all the lights off except the Christmas trees. I have to make a concerted effort to find that time where I can escape life’s struggles and RELAX! I pray that you will also find time to enjoy the holiday. You deserve it!

Even in the midst of all the shopping, baking, cooking, wrapping gifts, cantata practices, parties, etc., we can find ourselves lonely. Ever been there? How can we possibly feel lonely as pastor’s wives and ministry women? After all, there are people around us all the time but It happens to me and I know it happens to you also. It hurts when you are in the middle of the holiday activities, around a number of people, but feel so alone………………………….

Loneliness can manifest as an inner ache or a craving for affection. Its side effects include feelings of emptiness, uselessness, or purposelessness. But loneliness can be cured, no matter what the cause. If you are lonely, you can confront it in the name of Jesus Christ.

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows (Luke 12:7) NIV. Our true value is God’s estimate of our worth, not our peers’. Other people (even sometimes Christians) evaluate and categorize us according to how we perform, what we achieve, and how we look. But God cares for us because we belong to him. So we can face life without fear.

God has promised to be with you always, and to never leave you or forsake you. Pray that God will send you real friends that God Himself has chosen for you. Grasp His promise that He will comfort you and cause you to rejoice. Then get ready for the joy!

Merry Christmas dear friends!

Love and appreciate you,