Sunday, April 17, 2011

Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!!

Another Sunday and another opportunity for God to Rock the House! Another opportunity for God to do a mighty work in our lives!!

Maybe you are feeling everything but joy this morning. Life can be filled with tons of disappointments and overwhelming challenges. Sometimes the circumstances we are walking through have a way of totally stealing our joy!

Corrie Ten Boom knew that and wrote, “Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances around us. He promised great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things." Yes, my God controls all things and He is on the throne today!!!

We need to learn to trust God and open the door of our soul to Christ. He promises that He will give us pure peace and joy even when life seems very dark and uncertain.

I pray your day is filled to overflowing with God's amazing peace and overwhelming joy!!!! He loves you and only wants the very best for you, your family and ministry.

You are appreciated and loved!!!!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good Morning Beautiful Peeps,

Our Women in Ministry retreat was amazing last weekend! The power and presence of God was incredible. Our speakers and workshop facilitators were also outstanding. It was a great time together. You can check out the photos on facebook on my page, Deborah Shank.
From Mark 5: 21-36 we read about the lady with the issue of blood. Have you ever really thought about how difficult it was for her to forge her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment? This woman with the issue of blood decided to believe in Jesus’ power to heal and she did what she had to do to get to Him and touch God for her need. Her story is one that is inspiring. There are lessons to learn for each of us that were taught so greatly in the story of this woman’s faith and determination. She was persistent for help. She was determined to reach out to Jesus. She would not stop until she touched God. She recognized that she had a great need and that no one else could meet that need but God. She also had faith to believe that all she had to do was just get to Jesus, so she would not stop until she reached Him, no matter how long or what it took.

I want that kind of faith in my life. When I am faced with overwhelming challenges I want to demonstrate faith that has no doubt. I want to demonstrate that same faith in my life when everything around me looks dark and hopeless. I want that level of faith when my hubby and I are dealing with conflict in the church. I want that same level of faith when life seems overwhelming and the challenges seem to be multiplying. If we can achieve that level of faith it will take us places we never dreamed were possible in our lives.

God has placed many women in our paths that we can influence. Everyday there are multiple opportunities for kingdom advancement all around us. When we allow those opportunities to pass us by it is tragic. Do you want to impact lives like Jesus did? Maybe you just walked through the driest desert in your life this week and you really are not interested in impacting lives but it happens when we least expect it!!! The enemy is slick and if he can do anything to manipulate our lives so that we demonstrate frustration, anger, bitterness and worry to those around us. He thinks he has won. But we have news for him don’t we friends? He hasn’t won and he won’t win because we serve a Jesus who is all powerful!!!

Isaiah 43: 2,3, When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you, When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God………

Going through the rivers with strong currents will cause you to drown or force you to grow stronger. If you go in your own strength, you are more likely to drown. If you invite the Lord to go with you, he will protect you.

Persistent, Determined and Faith…….. Those are my words of challenge this week as I pursue God with everything I am. How about you?

Have an awesome week friends!

Love and appreciate you,