Sunday, May 29, 2011

Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends,

Praying that your weekend has been awesome!

Our granddaughter Tori graduated from preschool on Thursday. She is so precious. It was an exciting time for her and our family. I had two teeth extracted on Friday. That was not fun! One of my teeth broke while it was being pulled...... I knew I was in trouble when the dentist said, "This is not good". Anyway, the teeth are gone and I am doing well. There is a little swelling this morning but I feel great!

Please keep our grandson Luke who is seven in your prayers on Thursday. He has had step throat six times this winter and is having surgery to have his tonsils and adenoids removed.

 Just want to encourage you today friends.  As I look around I constantly see people struggling with life issues.  Some are losing their homes, some are dealing with devastating news about their health, some have lost their jobs, some are dealing with major issues in their marriages and the list goes on. Life is a constant challenge.  But, God is our constant. 

 We truly do have so much to be thankful for and for me; I often take that for granted.  I am so thankful that I serve a God who will never fail me or leave me.  I am so thankful that even when life’s challenges seem bigger than anything I have ever imagined, my God is on the throne and He walks with me through those deep waters.  Life often brings pain but God is always there to bring comfort and peace.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3).  Sometimes we fail unintentionally to commit our struggles and challenges to God.  Yes we do and I am guilty of this as well.  How many times have we given God temporary control of things in our lives only to take back control when things stop gong the way we expect.  And sometimes we commit a task fully to the Lord, but put forth no effort ourselves in praying about this situation.  We must maintain a delicate balance: trusting God as if everything depended on him, while working as if everything depended on us.  By working I mean praying daily for this situation. Think of a specific situation you are walking through right now.  Have you fully committed it to the Lord? Are you fully trusting God for the answer?

At the cross I bow my knee,

Where Your blood was shed for me.
There’s no greater love than this.
You have overcome the grave.
Your glory fills the highest place.
What can separate me now?
Song - At the Cross by Hillsong

God loves his children so much and he cares about everything we walk through in this life.  Whether it is a small challenge or something that is overwhelming,..,,. He cares.  Lay the burden at the cross today and then trust God with the results. He has overcome the grave.  His glory fills the highest place.  Friends, what can separate us now?

Have a wonderful Sunday.  May God’s power and presence be magnified in your services today!

Love and appreciate you,

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!

Another Sunday morning and another week full of busyness. Does this apply to any of you this morning?

I had a great week other than finding out I have a ton of dental work that must be done. I absolutely hate going to the dentist!! When I was a little girl I had a horrible experience and I dread anything being done to my teeth. Because I have put off going to the dentist for so long I now have a ton of procedures scheduled…………

As a worship leader, music is an integral part of my life. Many times when life seems super heavy and overwhelming I play my favorite CD and meditate on God’s Word. Music is soothing to my soul and truly ministers to my spirit in a powerful way.

As I prepared the music schedule this weekend I thought about how many times I have been guilty of leading a beautiful worship song but my actions certainly did not demonstrate the truth in those songs. I may have been dealing with an overwhelming battle in my own life and instead of trusting God to take care of the situation, I worried and lacked the faith I needed for a break through.

There is a song that has been around for awhile, Break Through. Break through all my fears. Break through all my doubts. Break through that I may worship you. Break through all my pain. Break through all my guilt and my shame. Break through like only You can do………… Powerful words aren’t they? But it even gets better. You are brighter than my darkest night;
Stronger than my toughest fight. Just one touch from You; my King, my Friend, and I’ll never be the same again. Break Through!!

We know people diagnosed with cancer and some of you are even dealing with this in your own families. Many are suffering with depression and hopelessness. Marriages are falling apart and families are crumbling. God is brighter than our darkest night and stronger than our toughest fight! Declare that today! God is strength and peace, our comforter and healer.

Friends, I challenge you today to step up to the plate with a faith that cannot waver when the wind blows and the ship is being tossed back and forth. Our God reigns and He is always in control when life seems hopeless. We must be the light to those around us so they can also experience the beautiful love from our Savior. Break through oh God…… we are praying for a break through…………………………..

My prayer for you this morning is that you will see that Break Through TODAY! Trust Him no matter how hard the storm is raging around you. Nothing is too big for our God!
Love and appreciate you,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!!

Hope your week was amazin’!! I had a great weekend away over Mother’s Day speaking in West Virginia. I am looking forward to getting back into our church today. Another Sunday and another opportunity for God to Rock the House! Another opportunity for God to do a mighty work in our lives!!

As many of you know Facebook plans to archive many groups and the original Chocolate and Coffee group is one of those groups. I initiated a new group and this week FB upgraded the old group. Anyhow…… Now there are 2 groups but for now I am not changing anything. Unfortunately, I have not found a way to message everyone with the new format so I will be posting a blog every Sunday morning in the group. Many of you have sent encouraging notes about the previous posts. I pray that the messages will continue to bless and encourage your life.

Maybe you are feeling everything but joy this morning. Life can be filled with tons of disappointments and overwhelming challenges. I receive many prayer requests and many have been posted on the group wall. Sometimes the circumstances we are walking through have a way of totally stealing our joy!

Corrie Ten Boom knew that and wrote, “Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances around us. He promised great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things." Yes, my God controls all things and He is on the throne today!!!

We need to learn to trust God and open the door of our soul to Christ. He promises that He will give us pure peace and joy even when life seems very dark and uncertain.

Think about the song, At the Cross by Hillsong. It is in my worship set today and I love the words. You go before me, You shield my way. Your hand upholds me; I know You love me. At the cross I bow my knee, where Your blood was shed for me. There’s no greater love than this. You have overcome the grave. Your glory fills the highest place. What can separate me now?

Jesus loves us girlfriends! He cares about every detail of our lives. Don’t allow the enemy to steal your job! Sing praises to the mighty God we serve! He is on the throne today and nothing is too big for Him!

I pray your week is filled to overflowing with God's amazing peace and overwhelming joy!!!!

You are appreciated and loved!!!!
