Sunday, February 27, 2011
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends,
I pray that you have had an awesome week! Our son Brandon was home for a week ministering in the area and returned to MO on Thursday. I love it when our grown children and grandchildren are home. Not sure I will ever really adjust to this empty nest mode.
A number of years ago Bobby and I were pastoring a church in Maryland and God called me to youth ministry. He certainly has a sense of humor doesn’t he? Anyway, we took the youth group White Water Rafting one Saturday and what an experience that was for all of us! As we navigated down the river our guides instructed us how to paddle the boat, especially when we encountered rapids. My hubby actually fell out of the boat at one point and was clinging to the side by a rope until we managed to pull him to safety. The river’s current grew fast and rough and we were challenged with some major rapids! The youth had an awesome time but I am not sure I will ever attempt that journey again……….. at least not in a boat.
I often think about that journey as we work diligently each week in our busy lives, caring for our families, coming and going from meeting to baseball game to worship practice at church and back to work each day – paddling as fast as we can to get through the rapids and down the river.
Philippians 4:13 says, I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Can we really do everything? We paddle vigorously some days but are we truly getting anywhere?
The power we receive in union with Christ is sufficient to do his will and to face the challenges that arise from our commitment to doing it. As we contend for the faith we will face huge rapids in the river like troubles, stress, and trials. Pray and ask God daily to strengthen your paddles so that it will be easier to navigate those horrid rapids.
We serve an awesome and powerful God. And for whatever reason we often try to fix the problem on our own before using our paddles of prayer, seeking God’s face and asking him to help us.
As you are paddling through life this week remember who your source is. Allow him to take charge of the paddles and make the challenges you face much easier as you navigate those challenging rapids.
May God saturate your life this week with blessings and love.
Love you,
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
I attended the Potomac District Ladies Winter Conference in Williamsburg this weekend. What a blessing!!!! Susanne Cox is a powerful anointed woman of God with a Word!! It was an incredible time away with great ladies from our church and District. Fellowship and building relationships with one another is so vital in ministry. We left Williamsburg yesterday afternoon to make our way back to Warrenton, VA which normally takes 2.5 hours. Because of intense brush fires along I-295 traffic was re- routed. We were blessed with the scenic route on a two lane highway! Our trip home was 6 hours! But…… we still had the joy of the Lord and I am still praising God this morning for an awesome weekend!
God has so much for our lives ladies. As I watched Susanne minister this weekend and share her incredible testimony the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart numerous times. I think especially as pastor’s wives we often feel challenged to be the woman of God He is calling us to be in our churches. I want the freedom to do ALL God is challenging me to do so I can be a powerful anointed woman of God making a significant difference for the Kingdom! It isn’t a question of can I have it. We can have that too! The Lord wants us to possess that power in our lives but the enemy is speaking lies and discouragement into our minds often hindering us from all the blessings God has for our lives.
Girlfriends, I challenge you today to step out and grasp ALL that God has for your life. Time is short and we have so much to do. The trumpet is going to sound and there are so many people who are lost and need Jesus. God will give us divine appointments in our lives to share the gospel if we pray for them. God will open doors of opportunity for our ministry if we pray for them. God will anoint our lives and ministries and work miracles through us if we pray for them. Do you want all God has for you? Do you really want it all?
We impact people around us all the time and often we have no idea that others even notice us. Yesterday morning I was waiting in line at our retreat for breakfast and one of the servers told me that I had sunshine all over my face. I thanked him and a few seconds later he told me that the joy of the Lord was all over me. Wow!! I truly was standing there minding my own business and had no idea anyone even noticed me. Obviously he was also a Christian and was smiling from ear to ear but what an encouragement at 8am in the morning! Friends, we can make a difference!
Lord, bless my beautiful girlfriends and pour your anointing upon each of them in a mighty and powerful way today. I pray for their ministries and families Lord. Encourage them today Father. We love you Lord so much and want to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God. Remove any hindrance or obstacle that is keeping them from being who you have called them to be. Empower them and bless them Lord. In your mighty name I pray. Amen.
Have a power packed Sunday! Be encouraged. God loves you and so do I!! The joy of the Lord is our strength!!
I attended the Potomac District Ladies Winter Conference in Williamsburg this weekend. What a blessing!!!! Susanne Cox is a powerful anointed woman of God with a Word!! It was an incredible time away with great ladies from our church and District. Fellowship and building relationships with one another is so vital in ministry. We left Williamsburg yesterday afternoon to make our way back to Warrenton, VA which normally takes 2.5 hours. Because of intense brush fires along I-295 traffic was re- routed. We were blessed with the scenic route on a two lane highway! Our trip home was 6 hours! But…… we still had the joy of the Lord and I am still praising God this morning for an awesome weekend!
God has so much for our lives ladies. As I watched Susanne minister this weekend and share her incredible testimony the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart numerous times. I think especially as pastor’s wives we often feel challenged to be the woman of God He is calling us to be in our churches. I want the freedom to do ALL God is challenging me to do so I can be a powerful anointed woman of God making a significant difference for the Kingdom! It isn’t a question of can I have it. We can have that too! The Lord wants us to possess that power in our lives but the enemy is speaking lies and discouragement into our minds often hindering us from all the blessings God has for our lives.
Girlfriends, I challenge you today to step out and grasp ALL that God has for your life. Time is short and we have so much to do. The trumpet is going to sound and there are so many people who are lost and need Jesus. God will give us divine appointments in our lives to share the gospel if we pray for them. God will open doors of opportunity for our ministry if we pray for them. God will anoint our lives and ministries and work miracles through us if we pray for them. Do you want all God has for you? Do you really want it all?
We impact people around us all the time and often we have no idea that others even notice us. Yesterday morning I was waiting in line at our retreat for breakfast and one of the servers told me that I had sunshine all over my face. I thanked him and a few seconds later he told me that the joy of the Lord was all over me. Wow!! I truly was standing there minding my own business and had no idea anyone even noticed me. Obviously he was also a Christian and was smiling from ear to ear but what an encouragement at 8am in the morning! Friends, we can make a difference!
Lord, bless my beautiful girlfriends and pour your anointing upon each of them in a mighty and powerful way today. I pray for their ministries and families Lord. Encourage them today Father. We love you Lord so much and want to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God. Remove any hindrance or obstacle that is keeping them from being who you have called them to be. Empower them and bless them Lord. In your mighty name I pray. Amen.
Have a power packed Sunday! Be encouraged. God loves you and so do I!! The joy of the Lord is our strength!!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
This has been one of those weeks! A week full of activity and then some. I am sure you know what I am talking about. A week filled to the brim with all kinds of ministry and personal obligations. The end result is a very tired and weary pastor’s wife this morning. And to top it off this has also been an extremely discouraging week. Do any of you understand where I am coming from today? Ministry can be a very discouraging and challenging place even when things are going well at our churches………..
As I was praying last evening for our services today God reminded me how much He loves and cares about me. We preach to our congregations all the time about encouragement and how magnificent God’s amazing love is. Well, when the rubber meets the road, this is where we truly discover how spiritual we are and how strong our foundation in Christ really is. Weak foundations in ministry never succeed………..
God is awesome and He loves you and I. I encourage each of you today to focus on Him and what He has for your life. His plan is awesome and I know from experience that life's busyness often steals our joy. We become so overwhelmed with our daily routines and obligations that we forget our purpose and the mission God has placed in each of our lives.
God has a plan and guess what... You and I are in it! Isn't that exciting? He wants to use you and He wants to use me to further the Kingdom of God. That makes my heart jump with excitement. Serving Him is challenging and exciting. We never know what tomorrow will offer but we can know with confidence that our God will be by our side walking with us no matter what the day may bring.
Give Him priority today and thank Him for His awesome plan for your life. Tell Him how much you love Him. We owe God so much for the transformation He has been responsible for in each of our lives. Be encouraged. God loves you!
Love and appreciate you,
This has been one of those weeks! A week full of activity and then some. I am sure you know what I am talking about. A week filled to the brim with all kinds of ministry and personal obligations. The end result is a very tired and weary pastor’s wife this morning. And to top it off this has also been an extremely discouraging week. Do any of you understand where I am coming from today? Ministry can be a very discouraging and challenging place even when things are going well at our churches………..
As I was praying last evening for our services today God reminded me how much He loves and cares about me. We preach to our congregations all the time about encouragement and how magnificent God’s amazing love is. Well, when the rubber meets the road, this is where we truly discover how spiritual we are and how strong our foundation in Christ really is. Weak foundations in ministry never succeed………..
God is awesome and He loves you and I. I encourage each of you today to focus on Him and what He has for your life. His plan is awesome and I know from experience that life's busyness often steals our joy. We become so overwhelmed with our daily routines and obligations that we forget our purpose and the mission God has placed in each of our lives.
God has a plan and guess what... You and I are in it! Isn't that exciting? He wants to use you and He wants to use me to further the Kingdom of God. That makes my heart jump with excitement. Serving Him is challenging and exciting. We never know what tomorrow will offer but we can know with confidence that our God will be by our side walking with us no matter what the day may bring.
Give Him priority today and thank Him for His awesome plan for your life. Tell Him how much you love Him. We owe God so much for the transformation He has been responsible for in each of our lives. Be encouraged. God loves you!
Love and appreciate you,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Good Morning Beautiful Peeps,
I trust that your week was fruitful and encouraging. Our grandson Luke became ill last Friday and suffered with a high fever and horrible sore throat all weekend. We had taken him to the doctor on Friday and his throat culture came back negative for strep. Our daughter took him back to the doctor on Monday and guess what? He was diagnosed with strep! It was a busy week at work. District Council planning has begun and there is much preparation for this event in May. Details………. This week I will be traveling to Potomac Park Camp for a two-day retreat. Life is busy……..
This week I also traveled to one of our sections to facilitate a pastor’s wives/ministry women growth group. We had a great time and a statement was made during our time together that has resonated in my heart all weekend. Ministry women, whether it is a pastor’s wife or woman in ministry, often feel not just alone but have deep feelings of loneliness. Ever been there? What an unhealthy way to live!
Why are we afraid to admit that we are not perfect? Why do we hesitate to admit to our girlfriends that we have shortcomings and fail at times? Why are we so determined not to be transparent with our closest friends? If we would only realize that there isn’t a ministry woman on the face of this earth that has it all together 24/7!
When we begin to share our flawed life with our friends we give them permission to remove their masks. It isn’t an easy task but necessary in order to develop close relationships. Solid friendships are built on a foundation of authenticity, trust and commitment. Obviously this process takes time but if we refuse to never step out and attempt to remove our masks the relationship may never happen.
If you are lonely and feel like you don’t have a friend you can share the struggles of life with over a cup of coffee, I encourage you to seek God’s face and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in finding that person or persons. Ministry is a lonely place full of obstacles and discouragement at times but we must be a friend in order to find a friend. I don’t believe that God ever intended for us to travel this journey alone. That is why my passion is so strong for developing pastor’s wives/ministry women growth groups in our district. We definitely need one another. Relationships are crucial and it is a process that takes time to cultivate.
The Chocolate and Coffee Ministry groups I have created on FB also serve as a great source for ministry women to encourage one another. If you have never participated in the discussions I encourage you to check it out. There has been some great insight share during many of the discussion topics.
Have a great week friends. May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry in an awesome and powerful way! Be a friend and begin to remove those masks………………………..
Love you much,
I trust that your week was fruitful and encouraging. Our grandson Luke became ill last Friday and suffered with a high fever and horrible sore throat all weekend. We had taken him to the doctor on Friday and his throat culture came back negative for strep. Our daughter took him back to the doctor on Monday and guess what? He was diagnosed with strep! It was a busy week at work. District Council planning has begun and there is much preparation for this event in May. Details………. This week I will be traveling to Potomac Park Camp for a two-day retreat. Life is busy……..
This week I also traveled to one of our sections to facilitate a pastor’s wives/ministry women growth group. We had a great time and a statement was made during our time together that has resonated in my heart all weekend. Ministry women, whether it is a pastor’s wife or woman in ministry, often feel not just alone but have deep feelings of loneliness. Ever been there? What an unhealthy way to live!
Why are we afraid to admit that we are not perfect? Why do we hesitate to admit to our girlfriends that we have shortcomings and fail at times? Why are we so determined not to be transparent with our closest friends? If we would only realize that there isn’t a ministry woman on the face of this earth that has it all together 24/7!
When we begin to share our flawed life with our friends we give them permission to remove their masks. It isn’t an easy task but necessary in order to develop close relationships. Solid friendships are built on a foundation of authenticity, trust and commitment. Obviously this process takes time but if we refuse to never step out and attempt to remove our masks the relationship may never happen.
If you are lonely and feel like you don’t have a friend you can share the struggles of life with over a cup of coffee, I encourage you to seek God’s face and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in finding that person or persons. Ministry is a lonely place full of obstacles and discouragement at times but we must be a friend in order to find a friend. I don’t believe that God ever intended for us to travel this journey alone. That is why my passion is so strong for developing pastor’s wives/ministry women growth groups in our district. We definitely need one another. Relationships are crucial and it is a process that takes time to cultivate.
The Chocolate and Coffee Ministry groups I have created on FB also serve as a great source for ministry women to encourage one another. If you have never participated in the discussions I encourage you to check it out. There has been some great insight share during many of the discussion topics.
Have a great week friends. May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry in an awesome and powerful way! Be a friend and begin to remove those masks………………………..
Love you much,
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