Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends,

It is pouring this morning and forecasts say today promises to be a “soaker”. My prayer this morning is that there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our services today like we haven’t seen in a long time and we can say we had a heavenly rain that truly was a “soaker”!

I hear conversations everywhere about how people are praying for revivals in their churches and ministries. It seems to be the “buzzword” lately in the Christian world. But how can we have revival if we are always discouraged, defeated and ready to give daily because of the potholes in the road of life?

Revival can begin with you and me. As pastor’s wives and ministry women we need to step up to the plate and determine in our hearts that a revival will begin in us! We need to fan the flame and get excited about the great God who we serve! Nothing is too big for our God!

I don’t want to be just another ordinary pastor’s wife or woman in ministry. I want the fire of God to be evident in me and I want the Holy Spirit power to seep from my pores!!! I want revival in my life because friends when we have revival in us we will have revival in our church and ministry!

I know God is calling me to a new level of serving Him. He is amazing and still performs miracles and wonders. Do you want to be a part of those things in these last days? Do you want God to use your ministry to touch the lives of those who are hurting, lost and discouraged? Will you believe with me that God is going to do great things through us?

Lord, send revival to my girlfriends! May the mighty power of the Holy Spirit permeate their souls and may your presence be seen in them everywhere they go. Father, we want more of you and less of self. Help us God to be the women of God you are calling us to be. Help us Lord to be mighty prayer warrior’s who are willing to stand in the gap for our sisters in the Lord. Thank you Lord for all you have done in each of our lives and for all you are going to do as we step up to the next level in our walk with you.

Have a blessed Sunday sweet friends!

Love you much,

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