Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!

My heart aches this morning for the families of Sandra Bass Palmer and Gloria Budzowski, who were killed in that fatal accident on Friday evening. Although I did not know either of these ladies personally, they were still pastor's wives and women in ministry just like you and I. Life is so short..... a vapor..... so fragile.

Friends, I encourage you to continue to lift one another in prayer. Many of you are walking through challenging times and the support of friends means so much. I also know that many of you are facing things in your life that you have chosen not to share with others. I am praying for you today as well. I don't have answers but I know a God who does. He is the glory and the lifter of my soul!!!!!

I pray that you have an incredible day in the HOUSE! May you be renewed and encouraged today. I know from experience that the enemy is constantly beating on us every day and no matter how hard we try to stay strong, sometimes the storm seems never-ending. God knows what you are feeling this morning and He wants to comfort and encourage you. He does love you and your work in the Kingdom is very important. After reading about the tragic loss on Friday evening I am convinced more than ever that we must be desperate about reaching out to others making sure they know about the awesome Jesus we serve.

Be encouraged today. You are loved and appreciated!

Love ya,

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