Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Morning Encouragement

Good Morning Girlfriends!! I pray that you are safe from Hurricane Irene, rested and excited about what God has planned in the HOUSE today!!!

It seems everywhere I turned this week God was speaking to my heart about busyness. Hmmmmmmm....... Ministry as we all know can certainly be a busy place. Sometimes that busyness can bring overwhelming discouragement and unbelievable stress into our lives. Ever been there?

An article by Jill Briscoe emphasized being so busy  that we find ourselves in a place where there is no time to spend in the Word. Her relationship with God had grown thin because she had not spent time in prayer, like she knew she needed to. Her one statement was awesome, "I felt like a flat camel! The nourishment that should have been stored in my hump was gone!! Keep fresh in ministry. I was busy with ministry stuff, but it was all output and no intake. The inevitable result was a desert experience."

How are you doing today? Are you feeling like a flat camel? Has the nourishment stored in your hump disappeared?

Ladies, we are very busy creatures but we cannot give out what we don't have. We must be intentional about spending quality time with our Lord daily. A flat camel is not going to be very productive for the Kingdom.

I pray that your week will be filled with "special" time with God. Let's face it friends....... Our soul is more important than anything. If we are not careful and intentional, busyness can deplete us spiritually.

Have a wonderful week! You are appreciated!!

Love you,