Good Morning Beautiful Peeps!
I trust we are all into the hustle and bustle of the holiday schedule! It happens every year……. We have so much to do during Christmas that often times it is a challenge to find time to sit and relax in front of the Christmas tree. I love Christmas and I love sitting in the house at night with all the lights off except the Christmas trees. I have to make a concerted effort to find that time where I can escape life’s struggles and RELAX! I pray that you will also find time to enjoy the holiday. You deserve it!
Even in the midst of all the shopping, baking, cooking, wrapping gifts, cantata practices, parties, etc., we can find ourselves lonely. Ever been there? How can we possibly feel lonely as pastor’s wives and ministry women? After all, there are people around us all the time but It happens to me and I know it happens to you also. It hurts when you are in the middle of the holiday activities, around a number of people, but feel so alone………………………….
Loneliness can manifest as an inner ache or a craving for affection. Its side effects include feelings of emptiness, uselessness, or purposelessness. But loneliness can be cured, no matter what the cause. If you are lonely, you can confront it in the name of Jesus Christ.
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows (Luke 12:7) NIV. Our true value is God’s estimate of our worth, not our peers’. Other people (even sometimes Christians) evaluate and categorize us according to how we perform, what we achieve, and how we look. But God cares for us because we belong to him. So we can face life without fear.
God has promised to be with you always, and to never leave you or forsake you. Pray that God will send you real friends that God Himself has chosen for you. Grasp His promise that He will comfort you and cause you to rejoice. Then get ready for the joy!
Merry Christmas dear friends!
Love and appreciate you,
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Good Morning Sweet Friends,
I returned from Dallas yesterday like many of you, who attended the Conversations ’10 conference for women in ministry. It was outstanding! It felt wonderful connecting with other women involved in ministry from all over the country. I loved meeting many of you who I have become friends with through my ministry on facebook. I leave again this afternoon for our District Minister’s Retreat! Life is busy!
One of the things that continues to resonate in my spirit is that God is calling us to know who we are in Christ. In order for us to fulfill the purpose and plan God has for our lives, we MUST become CONFIDENT in who we are as a woman of God. To me that translates to – I don’t have to be like Betty, Susan, Jenny or Olivia (random names ). I don’t need to be like any other woman in ministry no matter how incredible they are. I need to be ME. I need to be Debbie Shank. God’s plan for my life will be different from others. I need to pursue God’s complete plan for MY LIFE and trust Him fully each and every day even when life appears to be uncertain and unclear.
I pray God’s fullness upon your life and ministry today. May God bless you abundantly this week. God does love you and cares about every detail of your life.
Love and appreciate you,
I returned from Dallas yesterday like many of you, who attended the Conversations ’10 conference for women in ministry. It was outstanding! It felt wonderful connecting with other women involved in ministry from all over the country. I loved meeting many of you who I have become friends with through my ministry on facebook. I leave again this afternoon for our District Minister’s Retreat! Life is busy!
One of the things that continues to resonate in my spirit is that God is calling us to know who we are in Christ. In order for us to fulfill the purpose and plan God has for our lives, we MUST become CONFIDENT in who we are as a woman of God. To me that translates to – I don’t have to be like Betty, Susan, Jenny or Olivia (random names ). I don’t need to be like any other woman in ministry no matter how incredible they are. I need to be ME. I need to be Debbie Shank. God’s plan for my life will be different from others. I need to pursue God’s complete plan for MY LIFE and trust Him fully each and every day even when life appears to be uncertain and unclear.
I pray God’s fullness upon your life and ministry today. May God bless you abundantly this week. God does love you and cares about every detail of your life.
Love and appreciate you,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Peeps!
I am still in Carlisle, PA at the Pastor’s Wives Retreat. It has been a wonderful weekend!
Just want to remind you this morning how important you are to the Kingdom.
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Paul says that because of the resurrection, nothing we do is in vain. When we don’t see results it is easy to become discouraged. But if we can maintain a heavenly perspective, we will understand that we often will not see the good that results from our efforts. Don’t allow discouragement over an apparent lack of results keep you from working. Do the good that you have opportunity to do, knowing that your work will have eternal results.
The enemy is prowling and his goal is to steal, kill and destroy. No matter what he brings against us, our God is greater! The enemy is defeated in the name of Jesus!!
Have an awesome Sunday and an incredible week!
You are appreciated and your work for the Kingdom does not go unnoticed,
Love you,
I am still in Carlisle, PA at the Pastor’s Wives Retreat. It has been a wonderful weekend!
Just want to remind you this morning how important you are to the Kingdom.
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Paul says that because of the resurrection, nothing we do is in vain. When we don’t see results it is easy to become discouraged. But if we can maintain a heavenly perspective, we will understand that we often will not see the good that results from our efforts. Don’t allow discouragement over an apparent lack of results keep you from working. Do the good that you have opportunity to do, knowing that your work will have eternal results.
The enemy is prowling and his goal is to steal, kill and destroy. No matter what he brings against us, our God is greater! The enemy is defeated in the name of Jesus!!
Have an awesome Sunday and an incredible week!
You are appreciated and your work for the Kingdom does not go unnoticed,
Love you,
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Peeps!
Like many of you reading this post today, it has been a challenging week. I received a message earlier in the week that my aunt had committed suicide. She was a very lonely and depressed woman for years and the enemy finally convinced her that taking her own life would be the answer to all her problems……….
The enemy comes against those of us in ministry also with many things. I receive numerous emails from women weekly who are struggling and feeling totally alone.
A man of many companions may come to ruin but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). Loneliness is everywhere – many people feel cut off and alienated from others. Being in a crowd just makes people more aware of their isolation. We all need friends who will stick close, listen, care, and offer help when it is needed – in good times and bad. It is better to have one such friend than dozens of superficial acquaintances. Instead of wishing you could find a true friend, seek to become one. There are people who need your friendship. Ask God to reveal them to you, and then take on the challenge of being a true friend.
If you are lonely this morning a genuine friend can make quite a difference in your life. So maybe it is time that you prayed that God send you one. Maybe he already has, but you were just too self-involved to see it. That’s certainly easy to do. Perhaps there is someone right under your nose that would be amazingly good at reciprocating your support and love. We tend to be programmed to think that we must always be the givers, and others are to be the receivers. Take a fresh look at our present relationships and examine their potential.
You might not find this friend in your own church. That doesn’t matter. The important thing is to find a friend. We were meant to live in relationship to others.
I leave Friday afternoon to travel to PA to speak at the Penn-Del Pastor’s Wives retreat next weekend. Would you pray for me this week as I finish preparing for my sessions? I am praying for God’s anointing over the retreat. My desire is to be a blessing and encourager for those attending.
I am praying for you today and throughout the week. May God bless you, your family and ministry.
Appreciate and love you,
Like many of you reading this post today, it has been a challenging week. I received a message earlier in the week that my aunt had committed suicide. She was a very lonely and depressed woman for years and the enemy finally convinced her that taking her own life would be the answer to all her problems……….
The enemy comes against those of us in ministry also with many things. I receive numerous emails from women weekly who are struggling and feeling totally alone.
A man of many companions may come to ruin but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). Loneliness is everywhere – many people feel cut off and alienated from others. Being in a crowd just makes people more aware of their isolation. We all need friends who will stick close, listen, care, and offer help when it is needed – in good times and bad. It is better to have one such friend than dozens of superficial acquaintances. Instead of wishing you could find a true friend, seek to become one. There are people who need your friendship. Ask God to reveal them to you, and then take on the challenge of being a true friend.
If you are lonely this morning a genuine friend can make quite a difference in your life. So maybe it is time that you prayed that God send you one. Maybe he already has, but you were just too self-involved to see it. That’s certainly easy to do. Perhaps there is someone right under your nose that would be amazingly good at reciprocating your support and love. We tend to be programmed to think that we must always be the givers, and others are to be the receivers. Take a fresh look at our present relationships and examine their potential.
You might not find this friend in your own church. That doesn’t matter. The important thing is to find a friend. We were meant to live in relationship to others.
I leave Friday afternoon to travel to PA to speak at the Penn-Del Pastor’s Wives retreat next weekend. Would you pray for me this week as I finish preparing for my sessions? I am praying for God’s anointing over the retreat. My desire is to be a blessing and encourager for those attending.
I am praying for you today and throughout the week. May God bless you, your family and ministry.
Appreciate and love you,
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Peeps!
I love long holiday weekends don't you? The problem with me is that I always have too much on my list that I want to achieve in a few short days! Where is the time for rest and relaxation??
I was typing my message this morning, was almost finished when the entire thing disappeared! So.............. I guess that is not what God intended for you to read today.
My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62: 1, 2.
These are some of my favorite passages! David must have been far from home when he wrote this psalm. Fortunately, God is never limited to any geographic location. Even when we are among unknown surroundings, God never abandons us. Amen to that!! A "higher" rock would be a plan of refuge and safety. God's all-surpassing strength is always with us. I am so thankful this morning for God's strength and power!
God is my solid rock today! Even when we are weary and discouraged, God is our ROCK! He loves us and cares about every detail of our lives.
I am praying for you today friends. May God bless you in a very special way this week. Be encouraged! God is still in control no matter what the current circumstances in our lives may look like.
Have a wonderful weekend and a fantastic week!
Love and appreciate you,
I love long holiday weekends don't you? The problem with me is that I always have too much on my list that I want to achieve in a few short days! Where is the time for rest and relaxation??
I was typing my message this morning, was almost finished when the entire thing disappeared! So.............. I guess that is not what God intended for you to read today.
My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62: 1, 2.
These are some of my favorite passages! David must have been far from home when he wrote this psalm. Fortunately, God is never limited to any geographic location. Even when we are among unknown surroundings, God never abandons us. Amen to that!! A "higher" rock would be a plan of refuge and safety. God's all-surpassing strength is always with us. I am so thankful this morning for God's strength and power!
God is my solid rock today! Even when we are weary and discouraged, God is our ROCK! He loves us and cares about every detail of our lives.
I am praying for you today friends. May God bless you in a very special way this week. Be encouraged! God is still in control no matter what the current circumstances in our lives may look like.
Have a wonderful weekend and a fantastic week!
Love and appreciate you,
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Peeps!!
This week I received devastating news that a dear FB ministry friend, who I dearly loved and admired, passed away. My heart aches this morning as I write this. Many of us just found out about this tragedy a few days ago and are still trying to make sense of it all. Deborah Hosmer Meyer was one of the most encouraging Christian women I have ever known. Although I don't understand all of this, I know that God is still in control and He absolutely knows what he is doing.I encourage you to visit Deborah’s blog. You will be blessed by her posts. We have also created a page on FB as a tribute to her legacy - A Tribute to Deborah Hosmer Meyer. If you knew her please feel free to share something from your heart on her page.
This week I received devastating news that a dear FB ministry friend, who I dearly loved and admired, passed away. My heart aches this morning as I write this. Many of us just found out about this tragedy a few days ago and are still trying to make sense of it all. Deborah Hosmer Meyer was one of the most encouraging Christian women I have ever known. Although I don't understand all of this, I know that God is still in control and He absolutely knows what he is doing.I encourage you to visit Deborah’s blog. You will be blessed by her posts. We have also created a page on FB as a tribute to her legacy - A Tribute to Deborah Hosmer Meyer. If you knew her please feel free to share something from your heart on her page.
Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Friends, we need one another in ministry. I keep asking myself if there was something I could have done for Deborah that I didn’t do. Many times we are walking through very difficult times but we choose to be silent and carry the load alone. Please don’t do that. There are many ministry women on face book, including myself, who are more than willing to pray with you and encourage you. We really need to reach out to one another, to encourage, love and pray for our sisters in Christ. Our lives are full and we are very busy trying to balance life and ministry. I regret that I didn’t tell Deborah how much she meant to me before she passed away. I encourage you to take time this week to reach out to those who have made a difference in your life and let them know how important they are to you. Life is fragile…………
I pray God’s blessings upon you, your family and your ministry today. You are loved and appreciated more than you know. Be blessed!
I pray God’s blessings upon you, your family and your ministry today. You are loved and appreciated more than you know. Be blessed!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
Pray that you had an awesome week! We were in MO visiting our son and daughter-in-law and had a wonderful time! Hate the 18 hour drive to and from MO but it was worth it!
Just want to encourage you to check the Discussion posts on the Chocolate and Coffee wall. I love to read your comments and it is a great place to encourage and support one another. Please check it out this week and participate.
Be encouraged today and allow God to do an awesome work in your lives. We face so many impossible situations every week that would be hopeless if we had to handle them with our limited strength. But God specializes in working through us to achieve the impossible.
Don't focus on your problems. Focus on your solution!! God is able and still reigns. He loves you. He is your comfort and your strength. He is the answer to ALL the things you are facing today. Grab His hand and allow Him to walk with you through life's challenges.
I am praying for God's anointing power to be upon you today. May the Lord continue to bless you, your family and ministry in a way you never imagined!
Appreciate each of you. Hope to see many of you in September at the Conversations '10 conference in Dallas, TX.
Love you,
Pray that you had an awesome week! We were in MO visiting our son and daughter-in-law and had a wonderful time! Hate the 18 hour drive to and from MO but it was worth it!
Just want to encourage you to check the Discussion posts on the Chocolate and Coffee wall. I love to read your comments and it is a great place to encourage and support one another. Please check it out this week and participate.
Be encouraged today and allow God to do an awesome work in your lives. We face so many impossible situations every week that would be hopeless if we had to handle them with our limited strength. But God specializes in working through us to achieve the impossible.
Don't focus on your problems. Focus on your solution!! God is able and still reigns. He loves you. He is your comfort and your strength. He is the answer to ALL the things you are facing today. Grab His hand and allow Him to walk with you through life's challenges.
I am praying for God's anointing power to be upon you today. May the Lord continue to bless you, your family and ministry in a way you never imagined!
Appreciate each of you. Hope to see many of you in September at the Conversations '10 conference in Dallas, TX.
Love you,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
My hubby and I are on the road to Springfield, MO. We will be visiting our son Brandon and daughter-in-law Casey this week. Modern technology……. Riding in the car with my laptop on the net!!
Thank you to those who were able to respond to my email last week sharing your insight and wisdom about your quiet time with the Lord. I sincerely appreciate all your comments.
I am praying for you that God’s blessings will surround you, your family and ministry this week. Many of you have sent emails this past week asking for prayer. I pray that those prayers will be answered SOON! Even when all appears to be gloomy and hopeless our God still reigns! PTL!!
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord (Psalm 27:14). We all know that waiting for God is not easy. Many times it seems that God isn’t answering our prayers or simply doesn’t understand the urgency of our situation. Like he has no clue what we are walking through!! Ever been there? That kind of thinking implies that God is not in control or is not fair. But God is worth waiting for. God does care and uses waiting to refresh, renew, and teach us. Let’s make good use of our waiting times by seeking God to discover what he may be trying to teach in them.
Have an awesome Sunday friends! No matter what level your ministry may be at today, God is still using you to influence lives around you.
Love you,
My hubby and I are on the road to Springfield, MO. We will be visiting our son Brandon and daughter-in-law Casey this week. Modern technology……. Riding in the car with my laptop on the net!!
Thank you to those who were able to respond to my email last week sharing your insight and wisdom about your quiet time with the Lord. I sincerely appreciate all your comments.
I am praying for you that God’s blessings will surround you, your family and ministry this week. Many of you have sent emails this past week asking for prayer. I pray that those prayers will be answered SOON! Even when all appears to be gloomy and hopeless our God still reigns! PTL!!
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord (Psalm 27:14). We all know that waiting for God is not easy. Many times it seems that God isn’t answering our prayers or simply doesn’t understand the urgency of our situation. Like he has no clue what we are walking through!! Ever been there? That kind of thinking implies that God is not in control or is not fair. But God is worth waiting for. God does care and uses waiting to refresh, renew, and teach us. Let’s make good use of our waiting times by seeking God to discover what he may be trying to teach in them.
Have an awesome Sunday friends! No matter what level your ministry may be at today, God is still using you to influence lives around you.
Love you,
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
I pray that your week has been great! I can't believe that summer is passing by so quickly. It has been so hot on the east coast. I love hot weather but this has been ridiculous!
Be encouraged today no matter what you are walking through. The enemy is on the prowl and he continues to attack the family, marriages and the church. I know how difficult it is when you are trying to make sense of things, especially when your life appears to be crumbling on all sides, but God is still bigger than all of this.
I would like to ask you to pray for one another in this group. I know that we don't know everyone but many are really dealing with some major challenges in their lives. God knows who they are and He will hear and answer our prayers. My desire for this group is to be an encouragement and support for one another. Will you lift one another in prayer throughout the week? There is absolutely power in a group of ministry women praying to our Heavenly Father!!
May God bless you, your family and your ministry this week! When the enemy comes knocking I pray the power of God to knock him on his backside!!! God loves you and He only wants the very best for you. Be encouraged. God is still on the throne!! His plan and purpose for your lives is amazing!!
Appreciate you and all of your emails I receive weekly. Your encouraging words always come when I need them most.
Love you,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
I pray that you are having a great summer and have had an opportunity to vacation with your family or are making plans to do that soon. Taking a break from the ministry is vital to our survival!
I want to encourage you today to continue to look to Christ for your answers. I know the road we travel often becomes cluttered and confusing but God is still in control. For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). One of my very favorite scriptures!! What power and promise God has given us in these words.
I know life is sometimes difficult, discouraging and downright disappointing but God promises us that he will see us through to a glorious conclusion. God believes in us and he will be with us all the way. He knows the future, and his plans for us are awesome. As long as God provides our agenda and goes with us as we fulfill his mission, we can have boundless hope.
Hold on tight to God's will for your lives no matter what valley you may be treading today. The Bible tells us that God will never leave us nor forsake us. That my friend is comfort food!!!
I pray that you will have an awesome day in God's House and that His power and presence will be mighty! Many blessings to you and your family!
You are appreciated and loved!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
My hubby and I were out of the country last week on a much needed vacation to celebrate our upcoming 37th wedding anniversary! It was amazing!!! But I am back and anxious to get back in the saddle full swing with posting on FB and blogging. I sincerely missed my ministry opportunities on the net while we were away.
Just simply want to encourage you today to find someone who needs to be encouraged this week. Maybe that soun
ds ridiculous to you, especially if you are struggling, but God blesses us when we bless others. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:24 NIV).
Facebook has been an incredible platform for ministry. I never dreamed in a zillion years that I could possibly minister to so many women over the net. But I believe God will use us anywhere He can so that we can encourage and love others. We definitely need other Christian women in our lives to instruct and encourage. I welcome every prayer from everywhere I can receive!!! :-)
Would you please keep our son and daughter-in-law in your prayers today and tomorrow as they travel back home to MO? They are making it a two day journey because of her pregnancy. Also, Brandon and Tour 29:11 Ministries leave on Thursday for ministry in Nicaragua. Would you also pray with me for safe traveling mercies and God's anointing as they preach God's Word?
Girlfriends, I am so thankful for each of you. You are a blessing to me daily and your encouraging words always come at the most crucial time. Have a wonderful God filled week. Please know that I am only an email away if I can encourage and pray for you. May God bless you, your family and ministry abundantly! I pray for God's anointing to fill your life to overflowing!!!
Love you,
My hubby and I were out of the country last week on a much needed vacation to celebrate our upcoming 37th wedding anniversary! It was amazing!!! But I am back and anxious to get back in the saddle full swing with posting on FB and blogging. I sincerely missed my ministry opportunities on the net while we were away.
Just simply want to encourage you today to find someone who needs to be encouraged this week. Maybe that soun
Facebook has been an incredible platform for ministry. I never dreamed in a zillion years that I could possibly minister to so many women over the net. But I believe God will use us anywhere He can so that we can encourage and love others. We definitely need other Christian women in our lives to instruct and encourage. I welcome every prayer from everywhere I can receive!!! :-)
Would you please keep our son and daughter-in-law in your prayers today and tomorrow as they travel back home to MO? They are making it a two day journey because of her pregnancy. Also, Brandon and Tour 29:11 Ministries leave on Thursday for ministry in Nicaragua. Would you also pray with me for safe traveling mercies and God's anointing as they preach God's Word?
Girlfriends, I am so thankful for each of you. You are a blessing to me daily and your encouraging words always come at the most crucial time. Have a wonderful God filled week. Please know that I am only an email away if I can encourage and pray for you. May God bless you, your family and ministry abundantly! I pray for God's anointing to fill your life to overflowing!!!
Love you,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!!
Just stopping by this morning to let you know I am praying for you, your family and ministry. I know many of you have had a challenging week but God is still on the throne!!! I am so thankful that nothing is impossible or to difficult for the God we serve. Remember that the same God who created you can be trusted with the details of your life.
Have a glorious Sunday and a fantastic week! May the joy of the Lord shine upon you today. I pray that your services today will be off the charts and that God will bless you in amazing ways this week. Give your finances, physical struggles, worries and anything else that may be hindering your walk with Christ completely over to Him this morning. Lay it all at the foot of the cross and watch God do amazing things in your life.
Let it Rain, Let it Rain, Open the floodgates of Heaven!!!!
You are amazing women of God. Your work does not go unnoticed. God loves you and cares very much about all that you are walking through today.
Love and appreciate you,
Just stopping by this morning to let you know I am praying for you, your family and ministry. I know many of you have had a challenging week but God is still on the throne!!! I am so thankful that nothing is impossible or to difficult for the God we serve. Remember that the same God who created you can be trusted with the details of your life.
Have a glorious Sunday and a fantastic week! May the joy of the Lord shine upon you today. I pray that your services today will be off the charts and that God will bless you in amazing ways this week. Give your finances, physical struggles, worries and anything else that may be hindering your walk with Christ completely over to Him this morning. Lay it all at the foot of the cross and watch God do amazing things in your life.
Let it Rain, Let it Rain, Open the floodgates of Heaven!!!!
You are amazing women of God. Your work does not go unnoticed. God loves you and cares very much about all that you are walking through today.
Love and appreciate you,
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!! To those who are moms I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!!!
I pray ALL of you will be abundantly blessed today and may God encourage you in a BIG way. I know many of you are facing major challenges in your lives this morning. I don't have the answers but I know a God who does. Even when there just doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel God is in control and holds your future in the palm of His hands. He is walking every step of that valley with us.
God loves you and cares very much about you. He cares for the little sparrow that falls to the ground. How much more does He care for you and I? I know when we are in the midst of a deep valley it may sometimes be difficult to focus on how much He cares for us but God ALWAYS walks with us and is ALWAYS there to hear our prayers even when we are feeling alone and hurting.
Look to Him this morning. Place your trust in the one who knows everything about us. The one who created us and has an awesome plan for our lives.
I pray that you have an awesome day. I pray blessings upon your ministry and your family. I pray that miracles will be performed this week in your lives. I pray that financial needs will be met, bodies will be healed in the name of Jesus and that you will be blessed beyond measure.
Love and appreciate you,
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
My heart aches this morning for the families of Sandra Bass Palmer and Gloria Budzowski, who were killed in that fatal accident on Friday evening. Although I did not know either of these ladies personally, they were still pastor's wives and women in ministry just like you and I. Life is so short..... a vapor..... so fragile.
Friends, I encourage you to continue to lift one another in prayer. Many of you are walking through challenging times and the support of friends means so much. I also know that many of you are facing things in your life that you have chosen not to share with others. I am praying for you today as well. I don't have answers but I know a God who does. He is the glory and the lifter of my soul!!!!!
I pray that you have an incredible day in the HOUSE! May you be renewed and encouraged today. I know from experience that the enemy is constantly beating on us every day and no matter how hard we try to stay strong, sometimes the storm seems never-ending. God knows what you are feeling this morning and He wants to comfort and encourage you. He does love you and your work in the Kingdom is very important. After reading about the tragic loss on Friday evening I am convinced more than ever that we must be desperate about reaching out to others making sure they know about the awesome Jesus we serve.
Be encouraged today. You are loved and appreciated!
Love ya,
My heart aches this morning for the families of Sandra Bass Palmer and Gloria Budzowski, who were killed in that fatal accident on Friday evening. Although I did not know either of these ladies personally, they were still pastor's wives and women in ministry just like you and I. Life is so short..... a vapor..... so fragile.
Friends, I encourage you to continue to lift one another in prayer. Many of you are walking through challenging times and the support of friends means so much. I also know that many of you are facing things in your life that you have chosen not to share with others. I am praying for you today as well. I don't have answers but I know a God who does. He is the glory and the lifter of my soul!!!!!
I pray that you have an incredible day in the HOUSE! May you be renewed and encouraged today. I know from experience that the enemy is constantly beating on us every day and no matter how hard we try to stay strong, sometimes the storm seems never-ending. God knows what you are feeling this morning and He wants to comfort and encourage you. He does love you and your work in the Kingdom is very important. After reading about the tragic loss on Friday evening I am convinced more than ever that we must be desperate about reaching out to others making sure they know about the awesome Jesus we serve.
Be encouraged today. You are loved and appreciated!
Love ya,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
I pray that you will have an amazing day in your church and that the presence of God will be powerful! I know for me personally I need to fill up today. This has been one of those weeks where I have been giving out continuously. I have had a number of counseling sessions and my well is running pretty dry. I need to be refilled, refueled and recharged!
God never intends for us to be deleted or dry of spirit. Pursuing our own spiritual growth in the Lord is the most important preparation for our ministry. What we give to others grows from an overflow of the Living Waters coming from our very own spiritual well.
Stay close to Him. Allow Him to minister to you today. You are incredible women of God. God's plan for each of us is amazing. I want to make certain I am fully equipped to fulfill the will of God as each opportunity is presented to me. I know I cannot do that if my well is dry.
You are a blessing and I am thankful for you! Your emails and words of encouragement to me bless me more than you will ever know. We truly need one another.
Have a blessed day because you are a blessing to many!!
Love you and appreciate you,
I pray that you will have an amazing day in your church and that the presence of God will be powerful! I know for me personally I need to fill up today. This has been one of those weeks where I have been giving out continuously. I have had a number of counseling sessions and my well is running pretty dry. I need to be refilled, refueled and recharged!
God never intends for us to be deleted or dry of spirit. Pursuing our own spiritual growth in the Lord is the most important preparation for our ministry. What we give to others grows from an overflow of the Living Waters coming from our very own spiritual well.
Stay close to Him. Allow Him to minister to you today. You are incredible women of God. God's plan for each of us is amazing. I want to make certain I am fully equipped to fulfill the will of God as each opportunity is presented to me. I know I cannot do that if my well is dry.
You are a blessing and I am thankful for you! Your emails and words of encouragement to me bless me more than you will ever know. We truly need one another.
Have a blessed day because you are a blessing to many!!
Love you and appreciate you,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thankful Thursday - Victorious

Lynn of Spiritually Unequal Marriage is hosting Thankful Thursday today. You can join in the discussion and read other participating blogs by clicking her link.
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37 (NIV)
When facing trials and the fiery darts of Satan we often tend to think that we are the only people who are dealing with such challenges. All of us face discouragement and the enemies of darkness each week. Some trials are stronger than others but we are each treading storms of some magnitude in our lives.
Facing trials encourages us as Christians to exercise our faith. We should not pray away those trials. We need to ask God to manifest His power and love in us so we can respond with Christlike character when the enemy is pounding on our doors. Remember - people can only intimidate us if we allow them to use that tool. God is bigger than anything this world and the demons of hell can offer. No matter how much discouragement you and I have been dealing with this week, our God is well aware of the circumstances.
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37 (NIV)
When facing trials and the fiery darts of Satan we often tend to think that we are the only people who are dealing with such challenges. All of us face discouragement and the enemies of darkness each week. Some trials are stronger than others but we are each treading storms of some magnitude in our lives.
Facing trials encourages us as Christians to exercise our faith. We should not pray away those trials. We need to ask God to manifest His power and love in us so we can respond with Christlike character when the enemy is pounding on our doors. Remember - people can only intimidate us if we allow them to use that tool. God is bigger than anything this world and the demons of hell can offer. No matter how much discouragement you and I have been dealing with this week, our God is well aware of the circumstances.
It may not be today or tomorrow but in HIS timing the Lord will resolve the issues that we are struggling with in a beautiful way. If we trust God and completely hand it over to Him the enemy will be defeated. During these trials God is building our character and integrity. He is solidifying our foundation. The Lord is making us stronger for the bigger storms that are brewing in the seas of life. He continues to groom you and I for the work He has for our lives.
The Message says it all: With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for you and I. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture. (Romans 8:37) PRAISE GOD, HALLELUJAH AND AMEN!
God is our hope and our strength today, tomorrow and forever. He is our safety, our comfort and our encouragement. He loves His children and He always protects us. If we dread life and fear people how can we possibly say we are trusting God with our lives? If God is for you, who can be against you?
We are victorious with Jesus Christ! Demonstrate that victory today to those around you. Allow them to see Jesus in you!
The Message says it all: With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for you and I. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture. (Romans 8:37) PRAISE GOD, HALLELUJAH AND AMEN!
God is our hope and our strength today, tomorrow and forever. He is our safety, our comfort and our encouragement. He loves His children and He always protects us. If we dread life and fear people how can we possibly say we are trusting God with our lives? If God is for you, who can be against you?
We are victorious with Jesus Christ! Demonstrate that victory today to those around you. Allow them to see Jesus in you!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Be An Encourager
I had the privilege of hosting the Women in Ministry Retreat a few weeks ago for the pastor's wives and credentialed women in the Potomac District. It was a phenomenal weekend! God's presence was so sweet. He ministered in a powerful way through our speaker, Kerry Clarensau. It was a great weekend with other women in ministry!
As a young pastor's wife who was filled with insecurities and intimidation, I made many mistakes throughout the early years of ministry. If only I would have had a seasoned pastor's wife to come alongside me to coach and encourage me as I walked that unfamiliar territory. I was not raised in a Christian home and had no idea what my role as a pastor's wife really meant. It was very lonely. I chose to pour my life into my career for eighteen years in Corporate America. My heart breaks now as I think about all those wasted years I could have been doing something for the Kingdom of God but instead my focus was on "me" and what I wanted for my life.
Mentoring is so dear to my heart. As Christians, God is calling us to step out and profess our faith. We are called to live our testimony so people can see Jesus Christ in us. My heart burns with passion to minister to other pastor's wives who may be walking in a deep valley of discouragement. God's purpose for our lives is to reach out to others who are hurting, confused and lost. We need to be that encourager who will come alongside a lonely Christian. We need to be someone who will love them and pray for them.
When someone is hurting,encourage them and remind them that Jesus loves them and has an awesome plan for their life. This life throws all types of obstacles in our paths even when we are striving for that prize at the end of our journey. Life will become overwhelming at times but through prayer and the encouragement and prayer of others we will see victory!
Blessings and hugs!
As a young pastor's wife who was filled with insecurities and intimidation, I made many mistakes throughout the early years of ministry. If only I would have had a seasoned pastor's wife to come alongside me to coach and encourage me as I walked that unfamiliar territory. I was not raised in a Christian home and had no idea what my role as a pastor's wife really meant. It was very lonely. I chose to pour my life into my career for eighteen years in Corporate America. My heart breaks now as I think about all those wasted years I could have been doing something for the Kingdom of God but instead my focus was on "me" and what I wanted for my life.
Mentoring is so dear to my heart. As Christians, God is calling us to step out and profess our faith. We are called to live our testimony so people can see Jesus Christ in us. My heart burns with passion to minister to other pastor's wives who may be walking in a deep valley of discouragement. God's purpose for our lives is to reach out to others who are hurting, confused and lost. We need to be that encourager who will come alongside a lonely Christian. We need to be someone who will love them and pray for them.
When someone is hurting,encourage them and remind them that Jesus loves them and has an awesome plan for their life. This life throws all types of obstacles in our paths even when we are striving for that prize at the end of our journey. Life will become overwhelming at times but through prayer and the encouragement and prayer of others we will see victory!
Blessings and hugs!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!!
Another Sunday and another opportunity for God to Rock the House! Another opportunity for God to do a mighty work in our lives!!
Maybe you are feeling everything but joy this morning. Life can be filled with tons of disappointments and overwhelming challenges. Sometimes the circumstances we are walking through have a way of totally stealing our joy!
Corrie Ten Boom knew that and wrote, “Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances around us. He promised great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things." Yes, my God controls all things and He is on the throne today!!!
We need to learn to trust God and open the door of our soul to Christ. He promises that He will give us pure peace and joy even when life seems very dark and uncertain.
I pray your day is filled to overflowing with God's amazing peace and overwhelming joy!!!! He loves you and only wants the very best for you, your family and ministry.
You are appreciated and loved!!!!
Another Sunday and another opportunity for God to Rock the House! Another opportunity for God to do a mighty work in our lives!!
Maybe you are feeling everything but joy this morning. Life can be filled with tons of disappointments and overwhelming challenges. Sometimes the circumstances we are walking through have a way of totally stealing our joy!
Corrie Ten Boom knew that and wrote, “Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances around us. He promised great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things." Yes, my God controls all things and He is on the throne today!!!
We need to learn to trust God and open the door of our soul to Christ. He promises that He will give us pure peace and joy even when life seems very dark and uncertain.
I pray your day is filled to overflowing with God's amazing peace and overwhelming joy!!!! He loves you and only wants the very best for you, your family and ministry.
You are appreciated and loved!!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Waiting Sometimes Brings Frustration
Dreams. Visions. Hopes. Goals. Sometimes, we have clear direction from God regarding our next steps in life. Sometimes, we have no idea. For many of us waiting for that next step to become a reality can be an incredibly tough process as we trust God and pray for His will day after day after day. What happens between the dreams dreamed and the dreams realized? LIFE!
Between the dreams and the reality of the dreams coming true we patiently wait, NOT, living our lives, but remaining faithful to God and His calling, trusting Him to bring about what He would have us to do. We don't stop being faithful, and we can't stop living as if we were literally frozen in time, but we must be patient. For many of us, that is an extremely challenging task.
Every one of us has at some point dreamed a dream that was beyond us, perhaps even a divinely initiated dream. For some, God has fulfilled that dream. For many of us, we are still waiting for those dreams to come to life. Often times we may even become frustrated from waiting for that God-sized dream and pursue a more manageable people-sized dream instead. Maybe the people-sized dreams feel safer because we feel we can accomplish them more easily. We find the God-sized dreams overwhelming, and so we become creative to find ways to put them aside for fear of failure.
If God has given you a dream pursue it! We should never settle for anything less than what God intends to accomplish through us. We must not allow ourselves to become distracted but consistently wait patiently for the realization of the dreams. Do not allow the enemy to fill your minds with doubt but rejoice because God is still in control!
I know from experience waiting is not always an easy task. I am reminded often that God's timing is not my timing. Between the dreams dreamed and the dreams realized life continues to move forward.
What are you doing with that time today? Don't allow frustration and discouragement to alter your God-given dreams. Remain faithful to the call God has placed upon your life and allow Him to use you where you are while you wait for that dream. One day God will let us know that it is time for His dreams to become a reality in our lives. Even though life happens, God still works His purposes out in detail. The path to our dream may not be exactly how we thought we would get there. Just trust God. We have a responsibility to be faithful and patient as His will becomes a reality for each of us.
Between the dreams and the reality of the dreams coming true we patiently wait, NOT, living our lives, but remaining faithful to God and His calling, trusting Him to bring about what He would have us to do. We don't stop being faithful, and we can't stop living as if we were literally frozen in time, but we must be patient. For many of us, that is an extremely challenging task.
Every one of us has at some point dreamed a dream that was beyond us, perhaps even a divinely initiated dream. For some, God has fulfilled that dream. For many of us, we are still waiting for those dreams to come to life. Often times we may even become frustrated from waiting for that God-sized dream and pursue a more manageable people-sized dream instead. Maybe the people-sized dreams feel safer because we feel we can accomplish them more easily. We find the God-sized dreams overwhelming, and so we become creative to find ways to put them aside for fear of failure.
If God has given you a dream pursue it! We should never settle for anything less than what God intends to accomplish through us. We must not allow ourselves to become distracted but consistently wait patiently for the realization of the dreams. Do not allow the enemy to fill your minds with doubt but rejoice because God is still in control!
I know from experience waiting is not always an easy task. I am reminded often that God's timing is not my timing. Between the dreams dreamed and the dreams realized life continues to move forward.
What are you doing with that time today? Don't allow frustration and discouragement to alter your God-given dreams. Remain faithful to the call God has placed upon your life and allow Him to use you where you are while you wait for that dream. One day God will let us know that it is time for His dreams to become a reality in our lives. Even though life happens, God still works His purposes out in detail. The path to our dream may not be exactly how we thought we would get there. Just trust God. We have a responsibility to be faithful and patient as His will becomes a reality for each of us.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Friends!!
This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will be glad and rejoice in it!!
Be encouraged today. We need to get up in the mornings and enter into the King's presence with praise and thanksgiving in our hearts. I know that sometimes the biggest battles we face are in our own homes. Remember that our homes are on the top of the enemy's hit list so cover your family in prayer every day!
No matter what we may be facing God has the power and solution to overcome the problem. Look to Him today and allow Him to do a great work in your life. I know many of us are walking through some very challenging times but nothing is too big for our God. NOTHING!! No matter how many times the enemy whispers lies into our ears, God is still on the throne. He loves us and protects us and wants victory in our lives.
Embrace God today with your love and trust. He will work everything out when we completely let go and let Him. His plan and purpose is amazing for our lives but we have to relinquish our will to Him so His will can be completed in a beautiful and incredible way.
Thank you girlfriends for your friendship and support to one another. You are amazing and such a blessing. Have a wonderful Sunday! I pray God will ROCK your world today in a very special way!
This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will be glad and rejoice in it!!
Be encouraged today. We need to get up in the mornings and enter into the King's presence with praise and thanksgiving in our hearts. I know that sometimes the biggest battles we face are in our own homes. Remember that our homes are on the top of the enemy's hit list so cover your family in prayer every day!
No matter what we may be facing God has the power and solution to overcome the problem. Look to Him today and allow Him to do a great work in your life. I know many of us are walking through some very challenging times but nothing is too big for our God. NOTHING!! No matter how many times the enemy whispers lies into our ears, God is still on the throne. He loves us and protects us and wants victory in our lives.
Embrace God today with your love and trust. He will work everything out when we completely let go and let Him. His plan and purpose is amazing for our lives but we have to relinquish our will to Him so His will can be completed in a beautiful and incredible way.
Thank you girlfriends for your friendship and support to one another. You are amazing and such a blessing. Have a wonderful Sunday! I pray God will ROCK your world today in a very special way!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Good Morning Beautiful Girlfriends!
It has been such a busy and full week both at work and in my personal life. Just returned last night from an awesome women's conference in Williamburg, VA. God met us there and it was powerful! I left feeling refreshed and renewed in my spirit.
I am praying for you today and I want to encourage you this morning. God loves you so much and many of you are really walking thru some overwhelming challenges in your life. Look up and trust the One who created you. No matter how bleak things may look today, God is still on the throne and in control.
I pray that you will have a very blessed day and that God will ROCK your world this morning in your services. I pray for a fresh anointing upon your life and ministry. And if you are dealing with discouragement and stress this morning I pray that God will meet you today in a very special way, reminding you that He is in control of your circumstances. Worry and stress takes our focus off of God and we waste time thinking about things that we cannot change. Let go and let God!
Each of you are a blessing. Thanks for the trust you have in me as you continue to send me your prayer requests. And thank you for sharing your frustrations and challenges you are facing in the ministry.
Have a blessed day! Encourage someone and may God encourage you this week.
Love and appreciate you!♥
It has been such a busy and full week both at work and in my personal life. Just returned last night from an awesome women's conference in Williamburg, VA. God met us there and it was powerful! I left feeling refreshed and renewed in my spirit.
I am praying for you today and I want to encourage you this morning. God loves you so much and many of you are really walking thru some overwhelming challenges in your life. Look up and trust the One who created you. No matter how bleak things may look today, God is still on the throne and in control.
I pray that you will have a very blessed day and that God will ROCK your world this morning in your services. I pray for a fresh anointing upon your life and ministry. And if you are dealing with discouragement and stress this morning I pray that God will meet you today in a very special way, reminding you that He is in control of your circumstances. Worry and stress takes our focus off of God and we waste time thinking about things that we cannot change. Let go and let God!
Each of you are a blessing. Thanks for the trust you have in me as you continue to send me your prayer requests. And thank you for sharing your frustrations and challenges you are facing in the ministry.
Have a blessed day! Encourage someone and may God encourage you this week.
Love and appreciate you!♥
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Success Driven - For the Kingdom or Self
"Don't panic. I'm with you. There's no need to fear for I'm your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you."
Isaiah 41:10 MSG
For many years in my career in Corporate America, my focus was about climbing the coporate ladder to success. Even as a pastor's wife, God was not a priority in my life.
As a Christian, we have opportunities and advantages each day with our Lord and Savior that those in the world do not. As a Christian, God cares about every detail of my life and He will always be with me. When I need to make choices I am thankful my God is there. When fear entangles my heart, Jesus is there to provide comfort and peace. As Christians we don't need to attempt to do everything in our own strength. Women carry a very heavy load, but God is there - personally and professionally. He cares and love us so much. He not only cares but He wants to help us.
What is success? To the world it is money, power and materialistic things. To God it is obedience, commitment and putting God first in our lives. Success in God's eyes is not the same to the world.
I am so thankful that I crave success in God's eyes today. That goal has not always been my heart. The things of this world crowded my vision for a long time.
Lean on God. Success in Jesus is real stuff. It is eternal. Seek God's face and permit Him to minister to your heart and soul today. Reach out to Him. His Word and promises are always true.
Blessings and hugs!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Fighting The Amalek's In Our Lives
"Under the banner of God, victory is always assured; but apart from it, defeat is a certainty. When the banner of God's rod was not held high, Amalek prevailed. you can't do battle against the flesh under your own power."
~Kay Arthur~
I am so tired of Christians being beat up and defeated by Satan. Recently I had a heartfelt conversation with a dear friend who is really going through the trenches of a very dark valley. Satan is a liar and his only purpose is to completely destroy lives. He is whipping up on Christians all over the world. These people are crying out in desperation seeking refuge from the darkness of sinfulness. Why is this happening to people in our churches?
We know that we must read our Bibles and pray daily in order to cultivate a close relationship with Christ. Even though this is so true Christians are not doing it. All of us have "Amaleks" waging sin against us. No matter how strong we are as Christians we will continue to face temptations until we take our last breath on this earth. If we are not constantly filling our minds with God's Word and spending quality prayer time with the Lord we will not be equipped to resist the devil when he comes knocking on our door. We just don't have it in the flesh to tell him to take a walk. Sin is fun. It is exciting and the flesh craves it. So unless we are prepared to fight this battle with God by our side we are going to lose in a huge way.
Why do we doubt God's power and His strength in our lives? The Bible is full of testimonies of those who have gone before us who truly experienced God. Jesus healed the blind. He raised the dead. He healed the woman who crawled through the crowd with the issue of blood. She simply wanted to touch the hem of His garment and she was healed! He performed miracle upon miracle. Why do we doubt Him today? Doesn't the Bible tell us that He is the same yesterday, today and forever? He hasn't changed. His power hasn't changed. His miracles haven't ceased. Why do we live like we don't believe?
When Satan strikes he leaves his mark on his victims. People are overwhelmed with guilt and shame and he constantly reminds them they are losers. That is nonsense! My Bible tells me that God buried my sin in the deepest sea. He restores us and wipes the slate clean. We are a brand new creature in Christ when we ask for forgiveness with a repented heart. Chase Him with perseverance. Seek Him with passion. He gives strength. He gives each of us purpose in this life. He has a plan for you and me.
We have a huge responsibility to disciple people in our churches. When someone comes to the altar God instantly changes them. They truly are a new creature but it doesn't stop there. We must come alongside those people and mentor them. We need to disciple and coach them. Will Satan strike again? Most definitely and they need to be aware of that also. Just because we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior doesn't mean that we will never again experience another problem or trial. Matter of fact there will probably be more problems and trials to deal with but the difference is the Lord will be there to help us through the situation.
We won't walk the road alone. God will be there to help us make the right decisions. And through discipleship, mentoring and life coaching we can teach others to resist the devil when he shows up attempting to destroy their lives and families.
Under the banner of God victory is always assured. That statement my friend is our strength today. Be steadfast under His banner today. God has a plan!
Blessings friends!
~Kay Arthur~
I am so tired of Christians being beat up and defeated by Satan. Recently I had a heartfelt conversation with a dear friend who is really going through the trenches of a very dark valley. Satan is a liar and his only purpose is to completely destroy lives. He is whipping up on Christians all over the world. These people are crying out in desperation seeking refuge from the darkness of sinfulness. Why is this happening to people in our churches?
We know that we must read our Bibles and pray daily in order to cultivate a close relationship with Christ. Even though this is so true Christians are not doing it. All of us have "Amaleks" waging sin against us. No matter how strong we are as Christians we will continue to face temptations until we take our last breath on this earth. If we are not constantly filling our minds with God's Word and spending quality prayer time with the Lord we will not be equipped to resist the devil when he comes knocking on our door. We just don't have it in the flesh to tell him to take a walk. Sin is fun. It is exciting and the flesh craves it. So unless we are prepared to fight this battle with God by our side we are going to lose in a huge way.
Why do we doubt God's power and His strength in our lives? The Bible is full of testimonies of those who have gone before us who truly experienced God. Jesus healed the blind. He raised the dead. He healed the woman who crawled through the crowd with the issue of blood. She simply wanted to touch the hem of His garment and she was healed! He performed miracle upon miracle. Why do we doubt Him today? Doesn't the Bible tell us that He is the same yesterday, today and forever? He hasn't changed. His power hasn't changed. His miracles haven't ceased. Why do we live like we don't believe?
When Satan strikes he leaves his mark on his victims. People are overwhelmed with guilt and shame and he constantly reminds them they are losers. That is nonsense! My Bible tells me that God buried my sin in the deepest sea. He restores us and wipes the slate clean. We are a brand new creature in Christ when we ask for forgiveness with a repented heart. Chase Him with perseverance. Seek Him with passion. He gives strength. He gives each of us purpose in this life. He has a plan for you and me.
We have a huge responsibility to disciple people in our churches. When someone comes to the altar God instantly changes them. They truly are a new creature but it doesn't stop there. We must come alongside those people and mentor them. We need to disciple and coach them. Will Satan strike again? Most definitely and they need to be aware of that also. Just because we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior doesn't mean that we will never again experience another problem or trial. Matter of fact there will probably be more problems and trials to deal with but the difference is the Lord will be there to help us through the situation.
We won't walk the road alone. God will be there to help us make the right decisions. And through discipleship, mentoring and life coaching we can teach others to resist the devil when he shows up attempting to destroy their lives and families.
Under the banner of God victory is always assured. That statement my friend is our strength today. Be steadfast under His banner today. God has a plan!
Blessings friends!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Marriage and Ministry

Bobby and I will celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary in July. We have been pastoring for 30 years! WOW! How time flies when you are having fun!!! Seriously, time has passed so quickly. Our children are grown, married and now we are grandparents. We have pastored our current church for 11 years. We are definitely in a new season of life.
Marriage in the ministry is a tough assignment and if someone tells you otherwise I am not certain they are being completely honest about the journey or else they are still on their honeymoon!
Bobby and I were married very young. We were high school sweethearts and married a month after I graduated from high school. The following month we left to attend Bible College in another state. Those were extremely challenging years. Not only were we young and immature, but we were trying to adjust to ministry, marriage, college and living in another state away from all our family!
Just because two Christians decide to marry doesn't mean you will be exempt from challenges, stress and heartache. Life happens and Christians are faced with trials just like anyone else. The one significant difference in our lives which is definitely our anchor - we have Jesus.
If I have to identify a "surprise" about our marriage it would have to be the fact that I had absolutely no idea ministry would be so difficult. I wasn't raised in a Christian home. Many times the stress of ministry overwhelmed both of us and it created so much stress in the early years of our marriage. As a young pastor's wife my life was full of insecurites and intimidation which hindered my walk with Christ and my role as a pastor's wife. But as the years passed we have learned to be a support for one another and that is extremely important. Ladies, our husbands, as pastors, deal with many challenging issues and they need someone who will listen to them standy by them and support them. If we are not that person they may find someone else who will. There are women out there who are attracted to our husbands and we need to protect what God has given us.
I am very involved in our ministry and Bobby and I confide in one another. Friday nights are our "date night" and we try very hard to keep that as a sacred time together. Life gets very hectic and you need time to simply enjoy each other's company and reconnect after a busy week of events.
There are many challenges that come along with ministry but through the years those challenges have made our marriage stronger. We have learned to trust God in all circumstances. Praying together and allowing God to guide our next step has certainly been the answer to many situations we have faced.
The one thing I realize after all these years is that I love my husband more today than the day I married him. As we grow older, the wrinkles increase and the hair changes color but my love for Bobby grows even stronger. He is my best friend, an awesome father to our children, an incredible grandfather and the love of my life. I thank God everyday for giving him to me and calling both of us into the ministry! I can't imagine my life any other way.
Marriage in the ministry is a tough assignment and if someone tells you otherwise I am not certain they are being completely honest about the journey or else they are still on their honeymoon!
Bobby and I were married very young. We were high school sweethearts and married a month after I graduated from high school. The following month we left to attend Bible College in another state. Those were extremely challenging years. Not only were we young and immature, but we were trying to adjust to ministry, marriage, college and living in another state away from all our family!
Just because two Christians decide to marry doesn't mean you will be exempt from challenges, stress and heartache. Life happens and Christians are faced with trials just like anyone else. The one significant difference in our lives which is definitely our anchor - we have Jesus.
If I have to identify a "surprise" about our marriage it would have to be the fact that I had absolutely no idea ministry would be so difficult. I wasn't raised in a Christian home. Many times the stress of ministry overwhelmed both of us and it created so much stress in the early years of our marriage. As a young pastor's wife my life was full of insecurites and intimidation which hindered my walk with Christ and my role as a pastor's wife. But as the years passed we have learned to be a support for one another and that is extremely important. Ladies, our husbands, as pastors, deal with many challenging issues and they need someone who will listen to them standy by them and support them. If we are not that person they may find someone else who will. There are women out there who are attracted to our husbands and we need to protect what God has given us.
I am very involved in our ministry and Bobby and I confide in one another. Friday nights are our "date night" and we try very hard to keep that as a sacred time together. Life gets very hectic and you need time to simply enjoy each other's company and reconnect after a busy week of events.
There are many challenges that come along with ministry but through the years those challenges have made our marriage stronger. We have learned to trust God in all circumstances. Praying together and allowing God to guide our next step has certainly been the answer to many situations we have faced.
The one thing I realize after all these years is that I love my husband more today than the day I married him. As we grow older, the wrinkles increase and the hair changes color but my love for Bobby grows even stronger. He is my best friend, an awesome father to our children, an incredible grandfather and the love of my life. I thank God everyday for giving him to me and calling both of us into the ministry! I can't imagine my life any other way.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Effective Christian Leadership Is Not An Event

Leadership is a broad term. Women are leaders and many often fail to recognize that concept. Just think about all the multi-tasking which is required of you daily. You take care of your children, grandchildren, hubby, home, finances, etc. Many women are SAHM but many also work outside the home. And still many women are care-givers for their parents. Do you teach Sunday School, Missionettes or Children's Church? If so, you are serving in a leadership role and impact lives weekly. Multiple responsibilities and numerous leadership opportunities are at your finger tips.
How do you remain sane and effective in your role? How do you determine that you will not become stagnant in your Christian walk? How do you determine that you will continue to cultivate and grow to attain spiritual maturity? What steps do you take to make certain you do not burn out, stress out or lose out spiritually in the ministry?
Setting aside quality time each day for you and God is a requirement. You will not be a success in your role as a leader if the relationship between you and God is not cultivated and nurtured daily. Paul compares spiritual maturity to a plant in Colossians 2. We don't just place a seed in dirt, add water and expect a plant the next day. In order for that plant to develop into its purpose, cultivation of the soil, sunshine and rain are requirements. Without these elements it will simply remain a seed and rot in the ground. Without spiritual maturity you will wither and die. Spiritual growth is a requirement in order for you to develop and bloom as God has planned for your life.
Sounds simple doesn't it? We know better! Satan will discourage you in your journey as you commit time to read your Bible and pray but God is your source, strength and the answer to all of life's challenges. If you are determined to be effective as a leader and a Christian, God will provide the tools for your success. Spiritual growth is not an event - it is a lifelong process.
Blessings friends!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Good Morning Girlfriends! I pray that your Sunday will be off the charts! God has been speaking to me this morning and I feel that there are some of you who are really struggling with finances today. I want to encourage you this morning. I know that financial issues can overburden us and at times consume us but remember that God is still in control and He will provide even when there just doesn't seem to be an answer. Remain faithful and steadfast. No matter what it is you may be facing today, health issues, job issues, depression, finances, family matters, God is still in control. I pray a very special blessing over you, your family and ministry today. May you feel God's power and presence in a very special way. He does love you and cares very much about you. Trust Him and allow Him to do an incredible work in your life.
Love you and appreciate you. YOU are a blessing to me!
Love you and appreciate you. YOU are a blessing to me!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Discouragement - A Tool of the Enemy

If there is one thing all of us experience it is discouragement. While the devil is busy doing his thing in order to discourage Christians, God is also at work encouraging us to be all we can be for His Kingdom. When the devil beats us down, God lifts us up. While the devil is convincing us to throw in the towel and give it up, God is cheering us on to finish the race!
Life can be discouraging at times. Waiting on God to open the right door or patiently waiting for the right ministry opportunity to come our way is not always an easy task. Most of us are very impatient folks and we want results yesterday. Life isn't that way and God often uses this time to prepare, shape and mold us into the persons we need to be to complete the work He has called us to do. I am thankful today that God controls my future.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Good Morning Girlfriends! God has blessed us with a new year filled to overflowing with new opportunities. I pray that you, your family and your ministry will be blessed beyond measure. I pray that you will be refreshed and renewed today as you seek God for those new possibilities this year. I pray that God will bless you as you minister to others and speak into their lives. Don't forget that we serve a great big God and nothing is impossible with Him! Don't allow the devil to discourage you. God is bigger than anything he can throw in our path.
Thank you for being a part of Mentoring Pastor's Wives and for encouraging me throughout 2009. You are a blessing in my life. We truly need one another and I sincerely appreciate you and what you do for the Kingdom of God.
I pray abundant blessings upon you today. I love and appreciate you. You are very special and God loves you and has an awesome plan for your life.
Thank you for being a part of Mentoring Pastor's Wives and for encouraging me throughout 2009. You are a blessing in my life. We truly need one another and I sincerely appreciate you and what you do for the Kingdom of God.
I pray abundant blessings upon you today. I love and appreciate you. You are very special and God loves you and has an awesome plan for your life.
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